Penrith And Eden Refugee Network

Homes for Ukraine Scheme

We feel for the plight of all who are fleeing war and persecution in so many places around the world. We speak out about the deeply divisive way this government treats refugees and asylum seekers, most obviously in the Nationality and Borders Bill that is currently passing through Parliament. We also say firmly that race or nationality must never determine the kind of support refugees receive. 


PERN supports the right of all people who have to flee their homes to find sanctuary in other countries. The UK government response to the invasion of Ukraine has been unlike any previous response to refugee crises. Like many community groups across the UK, we welcome the Homes for Ukraine scheme, and at the same time we are grappling with how it will work in practice, and how we can best contribute to it.  


We held a one-hour online meeting on 25 March to share our understanding of the scheme, and we are sharing the presentation here. If you live in Penrith or Eden and would like to know more, please contact us via the website. 

Homes for Ukraine Scheme
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