We are delighted to welcome Claudi Hayward to a new role at PERN – Community Outreach Officer. One of Claudi’s tasks will be to explore setting up a Women’s Group, and she will also research relevant learning/ training needs of people for whom English is an additional language, and find and connect with possible providers. Another important task is to coordinate activities for families over the school summer holidays and help people access holiday activities provided by the Council or others that are free or affordable. We’ll be posting information about these on Facebook and elsewhere as soon as we can.
Claudi will be well known to many PERN supporters. She has a BA Honours in Social Service and a wealth of experience helping the most vulnerable and marginalised in society both in her home country Brazil and the UK.
For the past nearly 20 years, Claudi has been active in organising community groups, a local food bank, running clinics for parents with low incomes, and leading practical training courses. A large part of her work involved carrying out home visits, attending family and school meetings, and ensuring that vulnerable people were able to maintain contact with the community and the statutory social service network. In her new role, she will be prioritising the needs of the most vulnerable, especially regarding exclusion due to language, minority ethnic heritage, asylum or refugee status.
To get in touch with Claudi, please email her at penrithwelcomesdiversity@gmail.com