Penrith And Eden Refugee Network

Keeping Hope Afloat

Here are PERN members of all ages having fun together at one of a number of social events held over the Christmas period to bring people together and strengthen our community. Keeping these balloons afloat symbolise PERN’s ambition to create hope in 2025. We’ll be pursuing justice, raising awareness and campaigning on global and local issues. We want a fair system to welcome asylum seekers to the UK.


You should expect to hear more about our Anti Racist work in PERN and reaching into our communities. Racism is one of the biggest barriers to welcoming refugees and refugees tell us they accept racism against them as normal and to be expected. We have work to do.


In this meantime, PERN’s core services will continue week on week, including PERN English (including a new centre in Wigton), PERN Legal and Info, where our team is building skills to cope with the growing workload of complex case work and New Refugee Support, who are tackling the challenges of homelessness and helping folks understand the strange ways of life in the UK. English Club in the library in Penrith will continue to be a place of community, friendship and support.


Thanks for being alongside PERN as we head into a busy 2025.

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